Happy New Year! Well, almost. I can't believe the High Holy Days are almost upon us. On Rosh Hashanah, we'll ring in the year 5771 on the Jewish calendar. We'll have apples and honey and wish everyone L'shanah Tova!
Now I don't know about you, but I associate the New Year with resolutions. Maybe it's an American/diaspora thing. Anyway, as you may have noticed, (yes, by "you" I mean my one loyal follower!), I've not been especially good about posting to my own blog. This, I have decided, is a result of my focus.
You see, when I started this blog, I thought I wanted my focus to be news/current events/pop culture. It was a daunting task, but I thought I would be up for it, as those things interest me and, as any good Jew, I'm not lacking in opinions on anything and everything!
But alas, along the way I've realized that my chosen topics have not been as easy to write about as I first imagined. While I still have many opinions on those topics, they are the very topics that seem to bring me down rather than encourage me and build into me. This has served to discourage me from the very thing that I love... writing.
But now a new year is approaching, and with it a new opportunity to re-invent myself, or at least my blog. For the next few weeks, I will focus on the High Holidays and my spiritual journey through them. Then, at Simchat Torah, I will turn my focus to a devotional format based on the Parashot readings.
I hope you will join me on this new phase of my spiritual journey. I'm going to keep the name of this blog the same, because I see it not as a discard, but instead as an evolution or growth, if you will. My prayer is that this will become a place of respite and spiritual renewal, a safe haven for me and for you. Once again I invite you to relax, have a nice glass of wine or cup of tea, and join me for your After Dinner Mintz. Stay tuned...