Today's Haftarah Reading:
Isaiah 42:5-43:10
Our reading today is a bit longer, but the message is very plain. We begin in Isaiah 42:5 with an affirmation that it is G-d who created the heavens and the earth and all that is in them. He gave us life and made us who we are. But He didn't stop there. G-d didn't just create the world and set it in motion only to step back and leave us to ourselves. In Isaiah 42:6 G-d says he will "also hold you by the hand and watch over you." These are not the words of an aloof, disinterested G-d, but those of a loving Creator whose heart is for His people.
As we continue in the passage we see that earth and all that is in it should give glory and honor to G-d. Evidence of His work is all around us, if we would but open our eyes and ears (Isa. 43:18-20). Why is it that we refuse to see what is directly in front of us? Why do we refuse to hear truth? In Isaiah 43:22 it describes a people "trapped in caves" or "hidden away in prisons." I wonder, just how do people come to be in these caves and prisons? Are we in prisons of our own making? Often when I find myself trapped and in despair, I look around and realized that I am the one who fashioned the very bars that now hold me prisoner. Why do we do this to ourselves over and over, when our loving Creator wants nothing more than to set us free from our bondage?
As Isaiah 42 winds down, we see the results of sin and disobedience. It is a sad and ugly picture, yet in the end we notice that despite every consequence, people continue down this pathway, oblivious to the destruction around them.
Thankfully, the prophet Isaiah does not end there, nor does our reading. Chapter 43 begins with something beautiful - hope. We see that the L-rd redeems His people Israel. He claims them, calls them His own and tells them not to fear because He will not forsake them. What I love most about this picture of redemption is in the beginning of Isaiah 43:4. Through the prophet Isaiah the L-rd tells the people this is because "you are precious in My sight" and "you are honored and I love you." G-d redeems His people Israel not because of them, but because of Him! His redemption, his mercy is not based on anything they did to merit His grace. Instead it is based solely on His character - He chose them and He loves them. He is the one who made them His special possession.
And so it is with us. There is nothing we can do to earn G-d's favor by ourselves. No matter how hard we try to be good, we can't sustain it. We will always fall short. But take heart, there is hope! G-d still loves His people. That is why Y'shua ha Mashiach came, because G-d chose to make a way for His beloved creation to be reconciled to Him once and for all.
In the end of our reading we see the result. One day all nations will acknowledge G-d as L-rd. My prayer is that I will proclaim this today and that my life will bear witness of His glory.
Tomorrow: B'rit Chadashah: Revelation 22:6-21
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