Note: I apologize that we are still not completely caught up. My intent is to post several entries today so that we will be back on schedule by the end of the end of the day. Thank you for your patience.
Reading from Lech Lecha:
Genesis 17:7-27
We pick up today as G-d is reaffirming His covenant with Abraham. Since G-d's covenant promises to Abraham were not fulfilled for many, many years; these times of reassurance from G-d must have been particularly heartwarming to Abraham. I would suppose that G-d's loving reminders that He had not forgotten His promises sustained Abraham during the long wait.
This time, however, G-d also tells Abraham to do something to demonstrate his commitment to G-d. In Genesis 17:10 G-d commands that Abraham and his male descendants and all the males in their households be circumcised. According to both the IVP Bible Background Commentary and the Bible Knowledge Commentary, male circumcision was already practiced in the region at that time. However, it was performed either as a rite of puberty or associated with marriage. G-d directed, instead, that all Hebrew males should be circumcised on the eighth day. Circumcision would then become a sign of both commitment and obedience to G-d, and a visual reminder for all Abraham's descendants of their status as set apart by G-d.
G-d then changes Sarai's name to "Sarah" (Gen. 17:15), which sounded like the word for "princess" because she would become the mother of kings. Abraham assumes that this prophecy will be fulfilled through Ishmael, whom they consider to be Sarah's son. But in Genesis 17:19-22, G-d stresses that while He will bless Ishmael for Abraham's sake, the covenant will be fulfilled through a son physically born of Sarah, a son to be named Isaac. This is yet another reminder that G-d is in control and that He will carry out His plans according to His will and not by human means.
The passage concludes with Abraham obeying G-d's command regarding the covenant of circumcision. In fact, we see that Abraham doesn't hesitate in his obedience. In Genesis 17:23 it states that Abraham and all the males in his household were circumcised that very day. Abraham trusted G-d so much that he obeyed G-d's commands even though he may not have always understood why G-d asked him to do something. History had already shown that G-d's way proved much less arduous than any human plan.
My prayer is that I would have the child-like trust in G-d that Abraham demonstrated. May I learn to obey G-d swiftly and without question.
Next: Haftorah: Isaiah 41:27-41:16
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