Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Standing Alone

Today's Reading from Bereishit:
Genesis 5:25-6:8

In today's short passage, we complete the generational list, and are introduced to Noah. Once again we find that humans have decided they know what is best, and have gone the direction of their own choosing (Genesis 6:2) rather than G-d's.

We have only the briefest glimpse of that generation's depravity, but it must have been substantial because G-d, himself, lost patience with His beloved creation. In Genesis 6:3 we read that G-d shortened the human lifespan. Still mankind was not dissuaded from evil. Finally, the L-rd regretted making this world. All the things that He proclaimed good had become twisted, tainted by evil and sin. G-d determined that the only course of action left was to destroy all that He had created. This is not a decision He took lightly. In fact, the Bible says He was "grieved in His heart" (Gen. 6:6). What must it take to cause the all-powerful G-d to grieve in His heart? And what love must He have for His creation if even in the face of their disloyalty and depravity He grieves their loss?

Today's passage does not end without hope, however. In Genesis 6:8 we meet the one man who "found favor in the eyes of the L-rd." This seems like such a small statement. We might be tempted to gloss over it, especially since many of us have heard this story time and time again. But let's think about this carefully. The entire human race had become so bad, so vile that the very G-d that created them decided they must be destroyed. But one man - one simple, insignificant being gets noticed. He alone is good. He alone finds G-d's favor. What would it be like to be that person? What would it be like to have the courage to stand up for what is right when literally the entire world is against you and what you believe? Imagine the pressure, the ostracism he must have faced. Would I have that kind of courage? Would you?

My prayer today is that I would be willing to stand for what I know is right and true, even in the face of rejection. May I be willing to count G-d's opinion of me as greater than that of any mere human.

Tomorrow: Haftarah: Isaiah 42:5-43:10

1 comment:

  1. Our courage is certainly challenged today, this is something to think about. Thanks for this passage, it relates to today for sure.
