Monday, October 4, 2010

Relationships 101

Today's reading from Bereishit:
Genesis 2:20-4:18

The majesty and greatness of the creation account in yesterday's reading is in sharp contrast to humans' fall from grace in today's reading. As this section begins, we once again see G-d's loving provision for His creation. Adam was able to talk with G-d himself, and now he could have any of the beings in G-d's creation for companionship. But G-d didn't want Adam to simply have a companion. He wanted him to have a specific companion who would complement him perfectly. Thus, G-d created Eve. We can understand wanting the best for our kids, right? When we shop for their birthday, we don't just grab the first item we encounter in the store. We search for a gift that they will cherish; one that will fill a need or bring them joy. In the same way, Almighty G-d looked down on this fragile, created being and longed to present him with a cherished gift - the gift of relationship.

Now G-d could have chosen to create Eve from the dust of the earth, just as He did with Adam. Instead, G-d fashioned Eve from Adam's rib. Why? Could this be another picture of the bond, the depth of relationship we are designed to have as humans? And could there be yet another picture within that one? Adam and Eve became two from one, and then became one again through intimacy. We are created by a loving G-d, but we are separated from Him. And through the gift of Messiah, we will someday be joined again to Him for eternity. This will be the ultimate fulfillment of our journey.

As humans, we are designed for relationships - relationship with G-d and relationships with one another. But this inner drive for relationship can be a double-edged sword, as the rest of today's passage illustrates. In Genesis 3: 6, Eve disobeys G-d's command and eats the fruit from the one forbidden tree. The verse goes on to say that "she gave also to her husband with her, and he ate." Now why did Adam eat the fruit as well? Surely he knew where she got the fruit. He may even have been there when she took it. And like Eve, Adam was well aware of G-d's command regarding the fruit of that tree. So why did he eat? Why didn't he stand up to her or at least walk away from her? Could it be that he wanted to join her? Perhaps this relationship had become so important to him, above even his relationship with G-d, that he wanted to share in whatever she was doing. Or maybe it was competition. Maybe he didn't want his companion, his equal, to have knowledge or power he, himself didn't possess. Whatever his motives, the moment Adam put his relationship with another human above his relationship with G-d, he sealed his fate. His relationship with G-d was irrevocably broken and his
relationship with Eve was damaged (Gen. 3:16b) as well.

Unfortunately, this pattern didn't end with Adam and Eve. Their relationship difficulties passed down to their children. Cain and Abel grew up together, presumably in relationship with their parents and one another. They were definitely in relationship with G-d, as evidenced by the fact that He conversed with them. So when Abel's offering was accepted over Cain's, Cain became so jealous over what he perceived to be his brother's favored status with G-d that he murdered his brother. The Bible doesn't tell us why Abel's offering was accepted while Cain's was not. The fact that Cain went to the extreme of murdering his brother may indicate that the state of Cain's heart was not right for some time.

Once again, humans have sinned. Once again they have turned away from G-d's direction. So G-d imposes a consequence on Cain. The consequence is that Cain will be a nomad, a wanderer with no place to call home, no anchoring relationships. In Cain's own words, his punishment is too great to bear.

My prayer today is that I will put my relationship with G-d above all other relationships. May I also be willing to do what it takes to keep my relationships with other people healthy, edifying and glorifying to G-d.

Tomorrow: Genesis 4:19-5:24

1 comment:

  1. I love that we follow a creator whose essence IS relationship through the trinity. How great is that? We are SO made in His image...

    Thanks Josie, my mental health feels fresher already! (minty even...)
