Friday, October 29, 2010

Shaking the Family Tree

Today's B'rit Chadashah Reading:
Matthew 1:1-17

Today's passage is a straight genealogy tracing the ancestral line of Y'shua. Matthew's intent in this passage is to trace Y'shua's family line back to King David and then to Abraham. He did this to demonstrate that Y'shua came through the royal line, the line from which Mashiach would come.

What I find most interesting about this ancestral list is the people who are included in it. After all, if you wanted to prove someone's right to a particular status or position by presenting their lineage, wouldn't you include mostly the "family heroes"? You might be tempted to leave off, say, Great Aunt Gertrude who was known around town for dressing up her cats. Or maybe Uncle Harry with the drinking problem might not make the cut. But as we've seen over and over again this week, G-d sees things differently.

Thus, in this passage the writer was inspired to include several women (two of whom were prostitutes and one an adulteress according to The Bible Knowledge Commentary) who did trust G-d, not to mention some unsavory kings such as Rehoboam, Abijah and Manasseh who did not. The point, again, I think is that G-d is bigger than the whole of human history. No matter what our faults or shortcomings are, we can be used by G-d to impact this world. In fact, we are all a part of G-d's plan, regardless. Whether we choose to allow Him to use us to make a positive impact on the world or whether we choose to go our own way and leave a negative legacy is up to us.

Next Week: Parsha Toldot

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