Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Ready or Not

Note: Due to a rather hectic start to this year, I am slightly behind on these postings. To remedy this, I will increase this week's postings in order to get back on schedule. Thank you.

B'rit Chadashah:
Matthew 24:36-46

In the B'rit Chadashah passage, Y'shua is teaching about what is commonly called the Second Coming. He states in verse 36 that only G-d alone knows the day and hour of His coming. Because of this, Y'shua urges us to be prepared at all times. He uses the days of Noah as an illustration, pointing out that up until the time of the flood, the people on the earth were going about their business, not giving a thought to what might be coming. The only one who was prepared at that time was Noah.

Y'shua also uses the illustration (verse 43) of a thief breaking into a house. If the owner knew when the thief would enter, the house would not be robbed. Why? Because the owner would be prepared. In the same way, we must make sure we have our spiritual "house" in order. Not only do we have no idea when the L-rd will come again, we have no guarantee that we, ourselves will live beyond tomorrow. If we were to meet G-d today, how would He find us? Have we accepted His path of redemption through Y'shua ha Moshiach? Are we walking in His ways? While we cannot attain perfection or earn salvation, are we at least striving to lead lives that are good and acceptable to a Holy G-d?

My prayer today is that I would not be content with mere "fire insurance," but that I would desire to continually grow in my walk with G-d.

Next: Lech Lecha: Genesis 12:1-13:4

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